Girsh Blumberg
(Rutgers University)
G. Blumberg, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854
I will review results of recent Raman studies of electronic and magnetic excitations in several families of Fe-based superconductors including iron selenide compounds with ordered vacancies which reach 32K superconducting transition temperature while exhibiting antiferromagnetic ordering with Néel temperature as high as 500K. The data reveal the evolution of magnetically ordered state with cooling and the structure of superconducting order.
The work is done in collaboration with A. Ignatov and P. Lubik (Rutgers), N.-L. Wang (IOP, Beijing), J. Karpinski (ETH), J. Paglione (U Mariland), E. Giannini (U Geneva). Research at Rutgers is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Award DE-SC0005463 and by the National Science Foundation under Award DMR-1104884.
Primary author
Girsh Blumberg
(Rutgers University)