High Tc Cuprates I
- Harold Weinstock (AFOSR)
Christopher Homes
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
26/07/2012, 10:45
High-Tc Cuprates
Christopher Homes
Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Sciences Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Advances in infrared spectroscopy have allowed the complex optical properties of superconductors to be examined with unprecedented accuracy. These studies have been particularly revealing in the cuprates and the recently discovered iron-based superconductors, both of which have...
Keimer Bernhard
(Max Plank Institute for Solid State Research)
26/07/2012, 11:15
High-Tc Cuprates
Bernhard Keimer
Max Plank Institute for Solid State Research
Stuttgart, Germany
We will outline recent results of an experimental program aimed at controlling the phase behavior of correlated electrons through the synthesis and characterization of metal-oxide superlattices, with particular emphasis on copper and nickel oxides. Control parameters include the occupation of transition-metal...
Andrey Chubukov
(University of Wisconsin, Madison)
26/07/2012, 11:45
High-Tc Cuprates
Andrey V. Chubukov
University of Wisconsin, Madison
I review recent theory works on the gap structure in Fe-pnictides and compare theory predictions with laser and Synchrotron ARPES measurements. I discuss the arguments for s++, s+-, and d-wave gaps and argue in favor of s+- gap for both moderately and strongly doped materials. I further discuss the evidence for symmetry-allowed angle...
David Broun
(Simon Fraser University)
26/07/2012, 12:15
High-Tc Cuprates
David Broun, Simon Fraser University
Xiaoqing Zhou, Simon Fraser University
Benjamin Morgan, University of Cambridge
Wendell Huttema, Simon Fraser University
Darren Peets, University of British Columbia & Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart
Patrick Turner, Simon Fraser University
John Waldram, University of Cambridge
Ahmad Hosseini, University of British...