- Girsh Blumberg (Rutgers University)
Martin Dressel
(Universitat Stuttgart)
26/07/2012, 08:30
Correlated Physics
Martin Dressel
The response of matter on a temporally and spatially varying electromagnetic field at a certain point and a certain time depends on the field strength prior to this time at places close to this point. Hence the material parameters become a function of frequency $\omega$ and wavevector q, in general.
While the frequency dispersion is common knowledge and widely utilized,...
Daniel Mittleman
(Rice University)
26/07/2012, 09:00
Nanoscale Spectroscopies
Daniel Mittleman, Rice University
Concentrating optical energy into an ultra-small spot beyond the diffraction limit has long been an interesting topic in photonics. One of the most popular methods is to use subwavelength-sized plasmonic waveguides, based on the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) on metallic surfaces. While most of the studies on plasmonic waveguides have been...
Frederico Capasso
(Harvard University)
26/07/2012, 09:30
Plasmonics / Metamaterials
Federico Capasso, Francesco Aieta, Patrice Genevet, Nanfang Yu, Mikhail A. Kats, Zeno Gaburro
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University
Cambrideg, MA02138
Conventional optical components such as lenses and holograms rely on gradual phase shifts accumulated during light propagation to shape light beam. New degrees of freedom in optical design are attained by...
Jon Schuller
(Columbia University)
26/07/2012, 10:00
Plasmonics / Metamaterials
J.A. Schuller [1,2], S. Karavelli [2], T. Schiros [1], K. He [3], S. Yang [1], I. Kymissis [1], J. Shan [3], and R. Zia [2]
[1] Energy Frontier Research Center, Columbia University
[2] School of Engineering, Brown University
[3] Department of Physics, Case Western Reserve University
Measurements of optical anisotropies can elucidate the morphology and electronic excitations in...