12–17 Aug 2012
Shattuck Plaza Hotel
US/Pacific timezone

Study on Beam Dynamics during Longitudinal Bunch Compression using Compact Simulator Supported by Theoretical and Numerical Approaches for Heavy Ion Fusion

16 Aug 2012, 10:00
Crystal Ballroom (Shattuck Plaza Hotel)

Crystal Ballroom

Shattuck Plaza Hotel


Takashi Kikuchi (Nagaoka University of Technology)


Takashi Kikuchi (1); Kazuhiko Horioka (2); Toru Sasaki and Nob. Harada (1) (1) Nagaoka University of Technology Kamitomioka 1603-1, Nagaoka, Niigata, 940-2188, Japan (2) Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagatsuta 4259, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 226-8502, Japan In final beam bunch compression for heavy ion-beam driven inertial confinement fusion (ICF), i.e., heavy ion fusion (HIF), the beam dynamics with theoretical and numerical simulation approaches to investigate the limitation of longitudinal pulse compression is studied in comparison with experimental results. Transport of space-charge-dominated beams with low emittance is crucial issue for application to HIF [1-2]. However, the beam dynamics is unclear, because the beam parameters are extraordinary in comparison with the particle beams produced from conventional accelerators. It is important to clear the dynamics for the precise control of high-current beams due to effective fuel pellet implosion. Although, the beam parameters depend on the stage and the accelerator complex for HIF, high current (1 kA~100 kA) heavy ion beams are required in the final stage of the particle accelerator system. A compact simulator with an electron beam was constructed to understand the beam dynamics during the final pulse compression for ICF driven by heavy ion beams [3-5]. Not only from the view point of the experimental apparatus, but also from the view point of the numerical and theoretical approaches, the simplified and scaled simulator is useful to clear the mechanisms of beam dynamics such as the emittance growth. Using the longitudinal envelope equation, the ratio between the repulsion forces due to the space charge and the emittance was estimated [6]. The numerical simulations were carried out in the parameters of compact electron beam experimental device [6]. These theoretical and numerical approaches suggested that if the initial temperature is low enough, the compact simulator will be able to simulate the beam dynamics around the stagnation point at the unneutralized bunch compression. Additional results will be presented in this conference. [1] K. Horioka, et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A606, 1 (2009). [2] A. Friedman, et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A606, 6 (2009). [3] K. Horioka, et al., 18th Int. Sym. Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion (HIF2010), Darmstadt, August-September 2010, TUS-0404, Annual Report Contributions of the High Energy Density Physics Community, GSI-2011-2, p.84. [4] A. Nakayama, et. al., "Longitudinal bunch compression study with induction voltage modulator", 7th Conf. Inertial Fusion Sci. Appl. (IFSA2011), 2011, P.We_105. [5] Y. Sakai, et. al., "Study on the Dynamics during Longitudinal Compression of Intense Charged Particle Beams with Compact Simulator", in this conference. [6] T. Kikuchi, et. al., "Beam dynamics analysis in pulse compression using electron beam compact simulator for Heavy Ion Fusion", 7th Conf. Inertial Fusion Sci. Appl. (IFSA2011), 2011, P.We_104.

Primary author

Takashi Kikuchi (Nagaoka University of Technology)

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