Raluca Scarlat
(UC Berkeley, Nuclear Engineering)
16/08/2012, 13:20
Invited talk
R.O. Scarlat, P.F. Peterson
Nuclear Engineering Department, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California, 94720, USA
The fluoride salt cooled high temperature reactor (FHR) is a class of fission reactor designs that use liquid fluoride salt coolant, TRISO coated particle fuel, and graphite moderator. Heavy ion fusion (HIF) can likewise make use of liquid fluoride salts, to create thick or thin...
R. W. Moir
(Vallecitos Molten Salt Research)
16/08/2012, 13:45
Invited talk
R. W. Moir
Vallecitos Molten Salt Research
[email protected]
Livermore, California, 94550, USA
Heavy Ion Fusion (HIF) energy releases are in the form of neutrons, X rays and target debris whose energy is about a GJ. Early on inventors suggested using liquid chambers without solid first walls because liquids unlike solids do not undergo radiation damage and vaporization of the liquid...
Charles Helsley
(Fusion Power Corporation)
16/08/2012, 14:10
Invited talk
Charles E. Helsley
Fusion Power Corporation, Scotts Valley, CA 95066
The utility industry has conditioned us to think in term of power generation facilities having capacities of about 1 Gigawatt (GW). This works for fossil fuel plants and for most fission facilities for it is large enough to support the sophisticated generation infrastructure but still small enough to be accommodated...