30 September 2013 to 4 October 2013
US/Pacific timezone

JLAB LLRF activities

1 Oct 2013, 09:09


Tomasz Plawski (Jefferson Lab)


JLAB is currently commissioning ten new C100 cryomodules, a major part of the 12 GeV Energy Upgrade Project. For each of eighty cavities, a new LLRF system has been installed and now is undergoing rigorous tests. A new 400 MHz LLRF system for Compact X-ray Source based on inverse Compton scattering has been developed, tested and delivered along with MO (master oscillator) and HPA (high power amplifier). A new 199.6 MHz LLRF & Resonance Control has been developed and delivered for Wisconsin Superconducting RF Electron Gun. This system has been successfully tested and (as will be presented during the poster session) this Wisconsin RF Gun has delivered its first beam. LLRF team provided new systems for JLAB Vertical Test Area as well as a number of 1497 MHz LLRF chassis working as a test-bed for old-style CEBAF cryomodules re-commissioning.

Primary author

Tomasz Plawski (Jefferson Lab)

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