30 September 2013 to 4 October 2013
US/Pacific timezone

The LLRF System for Wisconsin Superconducting RF Electron Gun

Not scheduled


Tomasz Plawski (Jefferson Lab)


The University of Wisconsin-Madison has completed installation and begun testing of a superconducting electron gun. This VHF (199.6 MHz) superconducting configuration holds the promise of the highest performance for CW injectors. With the cathode inserted CW operation has been achieved at 20 MV/m with good control of microphonics and a Qo > 3×109 at 4 K. Bunch charges of ~100pC have been delivered, and first simple beam measurements made. The LLRF system for this gun was designed and built at Jefferson Lab as a result of collaboration between the two organizations. The LLRF system is a modified version of the system that was designed for CW high QL cavity control in the CEBAF SC LINAC. This poster presents design and features of the LLRF system along with challenges and results of intense testing of the gun.

Primary authors

Joe Bisognano (University of Wisconsin) Tomasz Plawski (Jefferson Lab)

Presentation materials

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