Themistoklis Mastoridis
(California Polytechnic State University)
03/10/2013, 09:20
The LHC RF/LLRF system is currently setup to achieve extremely stable RF voltage (in amplitude and phase) to minimize transient beam loading effects. The available klystron forward power would limit the LHC performance to nominal beam current with the present operational scheme. For beam currents above nominal (and possibly earlier), the cavity phase modulation by the beam (transient beam...
Angela Salom
03/10/2013, 09:50
ALBA is a 3GeV synchrotron light source located in Barcelona and operating with users since May 2012. The RF system of the SR is composed of six cavities, each one powered by combining the power of two 80 kW IOTs through a Cavity Combiner (CaCo). At present, there are several RF interlocks per week. The redundancy given by the six cavities makes possible the survival of the beam after one of...