John Molendijk
02/10/2013, 09:20
A leading-edge hardware family, evolution of that successfully deployed in CERN’s Low-Energy Ion Ring (LEIR), is under development at CERN to address the low-level RF (LLRF) needs of synchrotrons in the Meyrin site. It will be deployed in 2014 in the CERN’s PS Booster and in the medical machine MedAustron. It will be then retro-fit to the LEIR machine to standardise the LLRF implementation. It...
Krzysztof Czuba
(ISE, Warsaw University of Technology)
02/10/2013, 09:45
The Low Level RF (LLRF) control system developed for linear accelerator based Free Electron Lasers (FEL) require real-time processing of thousands RF signals with very challenging RF field detection precision. To provide a reliable, maintainable and scalable system a new development of the LLRF control based on MTCA.4 architecture was started in DESY for FLASH and European-XFEL. In contrast to...