8–13 Sept 2013
Asilomar, California
US/Pacific timezone

The Precision Tracker of the OPERA Detector

11 Sept 2013, 19:30
2h 30m
Asilomar, California

Asilomar, California

Asilomar Conference Grounds, 800 Asilomar Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA 93950-3704
Poster Neutrino Oscillations/ Neutrino Beam Physics Poster Session


Ms Annika Hollnagel (Hamburg University)


The long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment OPERA has been designed for the direct observation of $\nu_\tau$ appearance in the CNGS $\nu_\mu$ beam. The OPERA detector, located at the LNGS underground laboratory, consists of two identical Super Modules (SM): A target region composed of about 75000 Emulsion Cloud Chamber modules - providing micrometric resolution - and scintillator strips, followed by a magnetic spectrometer that consists of dipole magnets, Resistive Plate Chamber detectors (RPC) and the Precision Tracker drift tube detector (PT). The main task of the PT is the determination of the muon momentum and charge sign - thereby suppressing the important background from charmed particle decays to the muonic signal decay channel $\tau^- \rightarrow $\mu^- \nu_\tau \overline\nu_\mu$. Details on the PT architecture and performance will be presented.

Primary authors

Ms Annika Hollnagel (Hamburg University) Dr Bjoern Wonsak (University of Hamburg)


Prof. Caren Hagner (Hamburg University)

Presentation materials

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