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Itaru Shimizu
(Tohoku University)
09/09/2013, 14:00
Low-Energy Neutrinos (solar, reactor, supernova, and geo neutrinos and also nuclear astrophysics associated with these sources)
Geoneutrinos are antineutrinos produced in radioactive decays within Earth's interior. Those antineutrinos can be detected by inverse beta-decays of protons, however, due to extremely small cross section, there were no feasible experiments for a long time. Owing to the development of large-size antineutrino detectors, the observation of geoneutrinos has been finally made, and then composition...
Mark Chen
(Queen's University)
09/09/2013, 14:20
Low-Energy Neutrinos (solar, reactor, supernova, and geo neutrinos and also nuclear astrophysics associated with these sources)
A summary of future geo-neutrino experiments (e.g. SNO+, Hanohano and LENA) will be presented. The combination of results from multiple geo-neutrino experiments offers potential for discriminating between several Earth composition models. Future scientific goals for geo-neutrinos and new techniques being investigated will also be discussed.
Stephen Dye
(Hawaii Pacific University)
09/09/2013, 14:40
Low-Energy Neutrinos (solar, reactor, supernova, and geo neutrinos and also nuclear astrophysics associated with these sources)
We present earth models predicting different levels of radiogenic heating and, therefore, different geo-neutrino fluxes from the mantle. Seismic tomography reveals features in the mantle possibly correlated with radiogenic heating and causing spatial variations in the mantle geo-neutrino flux at the earth surface. An ocean-based observatory offers the greatest sensitivity to the mantle flux...
Michael Wurm
(University of Tubingen)
09/09/2013, 15:00
Low-Energy Neutrinos (solar, reactor, supernova, and geo neutrinos and also nuclear astrophysics associated with these sources)
LENA (Low Energy Neutrino Astronomy) is a proposed next-generation neutrino detector based on 50 kilotons of liquid scintillator. The low detection threshold, good energy resolution and excellent background rejection inherent to the liquid-scintillator detectors make LENA a versatile observatory for low-energy neutrinos from astrophysical and terrestrial sources. In the framework of the...
Juan Collar
(University of Chicago)
09/09/2013, 15:20
Low-Energy Neutrinos (solar, reactor, supernova, and geo neutrinos and also nuclear astrophysics associated with these sources)
A new approach at detecting coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering with CsI[Na] scintillators will be described. The characterization of quenching factor, backgrounds and expected response for a 15 kg detector, to be installed at the SNS@ORNL will be discussed.