John Valentine
23/05/2016, 08:45
Welcome to SORMA West 2016
Focus on National & Homeland Security
Clark Kerr Campus at University of California at Berkeley
Social Events
Invited Speakers
Valentin T. Jordanov
(labZY, Santa Fe, NM, USA)
23/05/2016, 09:15
The salient characteristic of radiation measurements is the discrete nature of the measured substance. The radiation manifests itself as energetic quanta that are emitted and interact with the radiation detectors randomly in time. In addition, the radiation measurement signals are always subject to statistical fluctuations due to the nature of the radiation-matter interactions and the detector...
Valentin Novikov
23/05/2016, 10:30
A short overview of the Joint Product Manager for Radiological and Nuclear Defense (JPM-RND) will precede a summary of the current and future radiation detection development and procurement programs at JPM-RND. Current and future programs for JPM-RND include RADIAC survey equipment, dosimetry, and detectors focused on special nuclear material (SNM) search. Additionally, opportunities for...
Joel Rynes
(Domestic Nuclear Detection Office)
23/05/2016, 10:50
Tom Cassidy
(Sensor Concepts & Applications, Inc.)
23/05/2016, 11:20
In support of, and through funding from, DNDO, we have developed a capability to simulate the key operational environment for the detection of nuclear material under a wide variety of simulated real world conditions. Additionally, the ability to collect data from prototype systems and to analyze the data collected in such a way that performance information can be fed back to the vendors has...
Dan Chivers
(Berkeley Applied Analytics LLC, Berkeley, CA, USA, and LBNL)
23/05/2016, 13:30
Over the past decade, the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) has sponsored technology development within the grand challenge topic area of Wide Area Monitoring and Search (WAMS). These research & development activities are intended to fill technological gaps within the operational mission space to confidently clear an area or venue of, or actively search for, the presence of radiological...
Mark Wrobel
(Domestic Nuclear Detection Office)
23/05/2016, 14:30
RAIN is a U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) to detect vehicle or cargo borne radiological or nuclear threats when traveling up to highway speeds. The approaches feature integration of radiation detectors, image capture systems, automated analysis, and communications intended to provide a highly sensitive...
Kevin Cronk
(Domestic Nuclear Detection Office)
23/05/2016, 15:00
For the past 10 years the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Domestic Nuclear Detection Office’s (DNDO) Transformational and Applied Research (TAR) Directorate has been developing and testing technologies to improve the technical ability to detect, identify, and localize illicit radiological and nuclear materials from transformational stand-off distances. Looking to the future, DNDO...